Project Overview
Logplan reviewed the existing facility inventory, physical conditions, terminal operations, current peak-period activity levels, and passenger characteristics. This was done in order to develop a consensus understanding of current terminal facility performance levels with the Terminal Plan Committee and Terminal Focus Group.
Logplan also reviewed work completed under the Comprehensive Facility Requirements Study (CFRS) to refine underlying assumptions and planning principles for recommended improvements. Specific tasks completed by Logplan:
• Assisted in collecting data pertinent to the operation and function of the baggage handling and screening systems (daily throughput/utilization; space allocations; system layout and connectivity confirmation).
• Conducted on-site visual inspection of existing baggage handling and screening systems; documented elements that will inform the development of cost-benefit analyses as a part of subsequent tasks.
• Provided a narrative that described condition, life cycle, utilization, and efficiency of existing systems and components.
• Identified low-cost, near-term improvements to increase efficiency and utilization, as applicable (to be refined and built-upon in subsequent tasks.
Masterplan Update